Harsh Adani

June 19, 2024
5 min

What Are The Different Types Of Transcription

What Are The Different Types Of Transcription

‘How do you consume the information you seek?’

While a majority of you would be inclined toward audio or videos, the digital world has chosen transcription as the new tool for productivity & efficiency. Be it a legal intern keen on researching or a business enthusiast who’s actively participating in a business meeting, transcription has been the backbone of the results they envision. It offers an inclusive experience to users as well as any audience that might find something to be missing from the original audio or video content that they’re consuming. However, transcription is a vast domain in itself that is associated with different types of transcription

Common Transcription Types

While the idea of using edited transcription to your advantage sounds simple, transcription in itself is a tedious job that requires skills to unleash the maximum output. They are revered as a tool that eases up your tasks; however, their effectiveness depends entirely on the types of transcription you choose. 

Edited Transcription

This is perhaps the simplest and one of the most common types of transcription that solely focuses on the readability of the document. Herein, a professional transcriptionist would prioritize a smooth flow of words in your document while correcting grammatical errors and breaking down complex sentences or filler words.

Edited transcriptions are ideal for those who work in the publishing industry or actively write professional reports for their businesses. 

Verbatim Transcription

Do you wish to capture every single detail? If so, Verbatim transcription is the answer that’ll grasp every spoken word from the audio/video. Unlike most transcriptions, verbatim transcription would also pull in all the pauses, filler words, and non-verbal cues, such as sighs and laughter. While these details may sound futile to some, they are of paramount importance in legal proceedings and research interviews. 

Intelligent Verbatim Transcription 

Looking for the middle road between the Edited transcriptions and Verbatim transcriptions? That’s where the idea of Intelligent verbatim transcriptions was born. This type of transcription is ideal for putting the spotlight on the conciseness of the text and the true intent of the participant’s voice. However, it would eliminate all the repetitions and distractions, thereby keeping the readability of the text intact. 

Phonetic Transcription 

As the name suggests, Phonetic transcription is the process of transcribing spoken words or speech sounds into phonetic symbols. Although the world of written and spoken words is ruled by the twenty-six alphabets, there’s another concept that determines the sound of those words, i.e., phonemes. The pronunciation of a word would differ for every country and every accent, and here’s where Phonetic transcription is the king to decipher it.  

If you’re wondering about having to mug up these names, then let us relieve your concerns, as there is no specific type of transcription that is standardized among industries. However, it begs the question;

‘Are transcriptions beneficial?’ 

Benefits of Transcription 

While many may perceive transcriptions as a one-time-helpful tool, it turns out to be the opposite as they get accustomed to using them frequently to fuel their venture. The advantage that stands out amongst the rest is;


Acclaiming success in the digital age is synonymous with the need to reach maximum audiences with your content. There are several digital platforms that give creators the freedom to showcase their talent. However, it was limited to just audio and videos until transcriptions were introduced. It ensures that even audiences with hearing impairments or those who prefer reading over listening can access the content in its purest essence. 

Comprehension and Preferences

We can assume the preferences of the majority and tailor the content accordingly. However, this approach completely eliminates the consideration of individual preferences for consuming content. With different types of transcriptions in use, audiences can customize the type of format and flow that aligns with their preferences. This ultimately results in a better and optimized comprehension of the content. 


Transcriptions are heavily preferred by those who belong to the research domain. Transcription to researchers is what the Internet is for the digital world, i.e., an indispensable tool. With piles of documents and files to go through, transcriptions make it easier to simply search and digitally highlight those aspects that are deemed necessary by the researchers or any reader. This factor alone saves them hours of time and effort.


Language remains the biggest barrier across the geographical boundary. However, should you prefer to avail of transcriptions through automated software tools, it bestows you with the ability to translate the transcription into the languages you prefer. Irrespective of the language you choose, the beauty of transcriptions is that the true essence of the original content is never lost. 

Accuracy and Record

In several industries, maintaining accurate records of every conversation and meeting is crucial. With transcriptions at one’s disposal, the thought of making mistakes or experiencing inaccuracy is waved away at the spot. They act as a reference for future use. 

How to Choose Transcription for Your Use?

While transcriptions' universal application and benefits remain the same, every type is designed to better serve specific purposes. It immensely depends on the context and your needs.

Purpose and Industry

Which industry do you belong to? Does it demand accuracy and conciseness, or does it prioritize the participants’ or speakers' intent? Another approach to swiftly determine your type of transcription would be to analyze your competitors or colleagues and the type of transcription they prefer. 

The Audience

Are people from different countries awaiting your content? Which profession do they belong to? Are they professionals, or researchers, or the general public? As you sum up all the answers to the above question, you’ll narrow down your approach to the type of transcription that would meet the expectations that you never thought of. 

Your Content 

It isn’t necessary that you stay glued to one specific type of transcription. In addition to your industry and audience, it also depends on the nature of your content. If a major part of your audio or video entails technical and complex terms, then intelligent verbatim transcription would be the ideal choice. However, if it is more conversational, then it’s a different story.

A Reliable Service 

Your story doesn’t end with selecting the right type of transcription. It is just the beginning. A few years back, people preferred a human touch in transcription, wherein professionals would offer their services in return for a fee. However, this fast-paced digital world has permanently ended that approach and raised automated software tools as the most reliable option. Amongst all the other tools available on the Internet, Konch AI is the ideal choice for many. 

Transcription services demand accuracy, reliability, and, most importantly, a user-friendly platform. Konch AI is the perfect blend of all these features, with several customizable options and robust encryption methods. With its enhanced capabilities, you can translate your document into more than 50 languages while also integrating it with your calendar and preferred meeting platforms. 

If you’re looking for speed and accuracy, Konch AI is the only tool that would ring as an answer to your demands.


It’s a known fact that transcription plays a critical role in the productivity of an organization, irrespective of the industry. However, with responsibilities comes the question of accuracy and reliability. Transcriptions are fruitful only when they provide optimum output out of the original audio or video. Here’s where advanced tools, such as Konch AI, ease the concerns with its innovative features that ensure accuracy and speed remain above everything. Such features guarantee high-quality transcriptions while simplifying even the most complex of processes. 


1. How does intelligent transcription differ from traditional methods?
Traditional methods focus on capturing each and every word. On the other hand, intelligent transcription eliminates filler words and irrelevancy from your document. 

2. What role does transcription play in academic research?
Interviews, meetings, and discussions are a few of the strongest pillars in the field of academic research. With transcriptions, researchers can have an accurate record of everything, which they can easily refer to in future, without having to spend a thought on previous conversations.

3. What are the privacy and security considerations in transcription services?
Amongst the bare minimum, every transcription service should ensure data confidentiality, privacy, secure storage, and compliance with regulations to protect information. Tools, such as Konch AI, are GDPR compliant and position themselves as the ideal tool. 

4. Can transcription technology accurately capture multiple speakers in a conversation?

Yes, advanced transcription technologies, such as those offered by Konch AI, can easily differentiate and capture multiple speakers in a conversation. 

Try Konch Today

Embark on a journey with our transcription platform and experience its capabilities firsthand. Decide between our fully AI-generated transcripts or entrust your files to Precision, our dedicated team of experts committed to handling your work with the utmost care