Harsh Adani

August 9, 2024

How to Transcribe a Conversation in Different Languages

How to Transcribe a Conversation in Different Languages

Breaking news!
‘Sie wurden dazu verleitet, diesen Satz zu übersetzen.’

It’s a natural curiosity if the above sentence prompts you to head towards translation and decipher the message it conveys. A single sentence in a different language is enough to spark a willingness to know more; imagine an entire conversation. With the digital era, which has commenced the wheels of a globalized world, the need for effective communication has been at the epicenter. For a moment, even if we eliminate the language barriers, there’d still be instances where we struggle with recalling an important conversation from before. That’s when the significance of transcription and the thought to transcribe a conversation pays off. It’s a simple process that ensures that you’re never short on documentation and accessibility of your important conversations. 

However, this begs the question, what is language transcription or transcription in general?

What is Transcription?

Transcription is considered to be the next chapter of revolutionizing content and conversations. It is a process that several professionals use to convert spoken language into written text. Generally, there are two types of transcriptions: audio & video transcriptions. Audio transcription involves transcribing an audio recording or a meeting into text. These professional services are usually availed through either automated software tools or human transcribers. The effectiveness of transcription depends on a few elements that are essentially looked after by transcription software.


Without 100% accuracy, transcriptions are useless, as it would utterly defeat the purpose of transcribing content. The written text should match the spoken words.


The second element is the readability of the transcribed text. It should be easy for a user to read and understand. 


Structuring a transcription plays an important role, especially when it comes to language transcriptions, as a complex format would only confuse the reader.

With these elements in mind, let’s head toward the next stage, which is critical to know before you choose to transcribe a conversation.

Types of Transcription

While the end result of transcriptions is to facilitate smooth communication by converting spoken content to text, the benefits can be enhanced further by discovering the right type.

Verbatim Transcription

It’s difficult to ascertain the most commonly used audio transcription; however, if one had to take a guess, it’d be the verbatim transcription example. From legal proceedings to any such fields that demand accuracy, people turn towards verbatim transcription that includes all the fillers, stutters, and non-verbal cues.

Clean Transcription

If you love conversations or texts that get straight to the point, clean transcriptions are for you. They omit all the fillers and irrelevant content from the text. 

Intelligent Verbatim Transcription

Certain fields are all about adjustments, and they require you to step into both boats to achieve their goals, i.e., a middle road between clean transcriptions and verbatim transcription. That’s where the idea of Intelligent verbatim transcriptions was born. This type of transcription is ideal for putting the spotlight on the conciseness of the text and the true intent of the participant’s voice. However, it would eliminate all the repetitions and distractions, thereby keeping the spotlight on readability. 

Discourse Transcription

If you’re into linguistic studies, discourse transcription is for you. It proffers you with a detailed analysis of the audio or the conversation. Several professionals who require a language transcription, prefer discourse transcription as their format.

Semi-Verbatim Transcription

A mini version of verbatim transcription would aptly describe the above type of transcription. It captures most of the spoken words but leaves out some of the filler and redundant words without losing the context. 

These transcriptions help you to narrow down your focus on the type that would suit the best. Accordingly, you can choose your format before you transcribe a conversation.

Why Transcribe Conversations in Different Languages?

The globalized world has made the need for language transcription quite evident. However, in addition to the obvious reasons, there are more perspectives to look at.

Enhancing Communication

With companies setting up businesses in multiple countries and hiring employees of diverse cultural backgrounds, multilingual meetings are the new normal. In such meetings, companies utilize the power of transcription software to ensure that there’s effective communication among everyone.

Beneficial in Legal Procedures

Any flourishing business requires a strict approach to its legal setting. Accurate transcriptions in multiple languages become crucial in this regard to ensure that all parties understand the terms of the contract or proceedings.

Helpful in the Educational Field

Education has seen a rise with technology at its back. As a result, audio transcription is a common practice amongst students for lectures and discussions. Additionally, for some language-related lectures, language transcription makes the learning more accessible to non-native speakers. 

Accessibility for People with Hearing Disabilities

While many transcribe a conversation for their ease to work better, transcriptions have also been a boon for those who never cherished the fruits of content or information due to their disability. Transcriptions act as a valuable resource for them.

The upsides of transcribing a conversation in multiple languages is well-discovered. However, it is equally important to choose the right method or the right tool to acquire these transcriptions. 

Why Choose Konch AI for Multilingual Transcription?

Multilingual transcriptions require perfection, while leaving no margin for errors. In such transcriptions, even a single mishap can alter the meaning of the original content. Consequently, before you transcribe a conversation into different languages you must choose a highly reliable and user-friendly tool. Luckily, Konch AI is a user-friendly tool that initiates its magic with the most simplest steps. Below are a few factors that would strongly allure you to make Konch AI your transcript assistant.


All your benefits can only be derived from transcriptions when there’s a high precision. Konch AI boasts high precision in capturing spoken words and transcribing them accurately within minutes. 


The primary reason professionals prefer automated tools over manual transcriptions is time. The Internet offers a mix of tools that prioritize speed over accuracy or vice versa. However, Konch AI promises accuracy with a rapid transcription process that saves you both time and energy.

Multilingual Support

With advanced AI and machine learning algorithms in its arsenal, Konch AI accurately translates transcription in more than 75 languages. 

User-Friendly Interface

Worried about having no technical knowledge? Wave them away as Konch AI is easy to navigate.

Let’s have a look at the execution stage for acquiring transcriptions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transcribing a Conversation With Konch AI

With Konch AI, you can conveniently avail yourself of your transcriptions without worrying about the results. Your transcriptions on Konch AI are four steps away!

Upload Your File

Start the process by uploading the file you want to transcribe on the Konch AI platform.

Select Your Preferred Language

With over 50+ supported languages, you can choose your preferred language in which you want your transcription to be in.

Initiate Transcription

Leverage the intuitive interface of the platform and simply click on start to initiate your transcription.

Review & Edit

Within a matter of minutes, you’ll have your transcripts at hand. You may review and edit your transcriptions. 

Best Practices for Transcribing Accurately

You need a bullet-proof transcription to reap its benefits. Here are a few practices that you must bear in mind before you transcribe a conversation.

Ensuring Clear Audio Quality

If you choose audio recordings that have a lot of background noise and disturbances, even the most accurate tool may not deliver the best results. You can make attempts to minimize background noise and certify that the speaker’s voice is clear.

Understanding the Context & Cultural Nuances

Understanding the context and cultural nuances of the conversation helps immensely in accurately capturing the meaning and the intent of the spoken words.


Conversations are no longer restricted to any dominant language and can be multilingual. Transcribing such conversations in multiple languages is now a vital process for effective communication and documentation. With Konch AI, you can acclaim accurate and high-quality transcriptions within minutes, making multilingual communication more easy. The user-friendly platform makes it convenient to experience its advanced technology firsthand. 


1. What are the main types of transcription?
The main types of transcription are verbatim, clean, intelligent verbatim, discourse, and so on, each catering to a user’s unique requirements. 

2. Why is it important to transcribe conversations in different languages?
Such processes help to enhance communication, aid in legal procedures, and stand as a support system for several companies and industries, thereby breaking language barriers.

3. Is there an AI that can transcribe audio?

While there might be several AI tools that can transcribe audio, Konch AI is a user-friendly tool that uses advanced AI and machine learning to transcribe audio accurately.

4. How can I improve the accuracy of my transcriptions?
The ideal ways to increase the accuracy of your transcriptions would be to utilize clear audio quality and keep a broadened mind while understanding context and cultural nuances.

5. What are the common challenges in transcribing non-English languages?
The primary challenge is to capture accents, dialects, and cultural nuances accurately. Other challenges include dealing with limited language data for a few languages. 

Try Konch Today

Embark on a journey with our transcription platform and experience its capabilities firsthand. Decide between our fully AI-generated transcripts or entrust your files to Precision, our dedicated team of experts committed to handling your work with the utmost care